Well, it's that time of year again. Time to start getting everything ready for school. I'm finally beginning to get excited. It took a while this year, but I'm finally getting the "eager for school bug," not to be confused with the, "I'm sick of school, when will this wretched school year ever end bug," that comes around mid September. J/K, I love it. God gives me grace and mercies new each day or I couldn't do the thing.
There really is such a list of things to do. Monday we went "back to school" shopping. I thought by going on a weekday we could avoid the crowds, which we did, but I had forgotten in my summer vacation fog, that you encounter a whole different animal in the forest of retail on Mondays.......the PROFESSIONAL SHOPPER......you've spotted her, the lady with the fanny pack carrying her calculator clipped on the side. Her sale fliers spread across the front of her cart with items needed circled in Sharpie red. She can tell you the price of a loaf of bread by the slice. If you are one of these creatures, God bless you. I wanta be just like ya when I grow up. But for now, I have a kid I'm trying to keep out of the ice machine and one I'm trying to keep from asking the guy with the nose ring what he was thinkin' when he made that decision. If we get out with the crayons, pencil sharpener, and milk we came for it'll be a blessed day.
We finished reading
Treasure Island, and are currently winding up our unit study. Sydney has developed an attachment to the characters the same way I do when I read a book and hates to see it ending. It warms my heart to see her love literature....pirates not so much. A fellow blogger asked me in her comments if we were reading the unabridged version. Mwuahahahahaha...No. We are reading a children's version from Dalmatian Press. It still has some degree of pirate speak without my having to stop and decipher for them everything being said.
Well, I am off to fold laundry, do dishes, and organize a little more for school. I hope to find time to eat a little chocolate somewhere in there.