Welcome to my world of run-on sentences and shameless over use of commas. All posts loosely based on true stories as viewed by a sleep deprived drama queen..........

Friday, September 12, 2008

Coming up for Air

This has the potential to be long, because I haven't had a meaningful conversation with y'all in 3 or 4 months days. Grab a Popsicle and sit back, 'cause I need to talk....

Have y'all ever had a week where it seems like from Monday to Friday took about 4 months? That's about the closest way I can describe this week. This was a stressful week to say the least. Thank you all for your prayers, calls, cards, and thoughts this week.

Elly did better than we ever expected yesterday. When they came around the corner wheeling her bed from the operating room she was sitting up in the bed with her legs crossed looking around. She saw me waiting in the hall and said, "There you are." She wanted to know where the Popsicles were and why her voice didn't sound like Mickey Mouse like I said it would.....I don't know why I was surprised. She is such a little spit fire. She always has been. They couldn't believe how well she was talking. Today she has digressed a little, but that is to be expected.

To add to the stress of the week, Tuesday afternoon I went to Wal-Mart to buy all the soft carbs and soups for Elly I could think of, and CHOCOLATE for me, for her recovery period. As I was pushing the cart down the last isle, Syd told me her throat hurt. I reached over casually to touch her forhead, you know, just in case. WHAT? You guessed it, burning up. I called the doctor's office, knowing I couldn't take her the next day, what with Elly's surgery and all. It was 3:39, the nurse said if I could be there at 4:00 they could take her.....I ran to the front of the store to tell the nice greeter lady I had to leave to run my child to the doctor and there was ice cream and stuff in the cart, but I didn't have time to put it all back. Of course she was wondering what emergency had befallen us, that I had to rush out the door like that. "Is her arm broken? Has she suddenly broken out in a mad rash? Convulsions?" "No, no, she just has fever and a sore throat," I said. The greeter lady looked really puzzled, but agreed to find someone to put everything up. I'm sure she thinks I'm a total idiot, but I didn't have time to explain the conundrum that is my life on a daily basis,(so it seems). I started out the door and realized Elly was not behind me...where was she, you ask....in the ice machine. You know the one by the front door that houses the big bags of ice. I turned, and all I see sticking out the doors are her little feet with flip flops hangin' off....."COME ON, WE HAVE GOT TO BE AT THE DOCTOR'S IN 16 MINUTES."

Hubs met me at the doctor's office. We grabbed a bite to eat and then he took the prescriptions to the pharmacy and went by the hospital to visit his Dad. I took the girls and went BACK to Wal-Mart to re-shop for all the things I had already shopped for earlier in the day. I soooo hoped it would not be the same greeter at the door. It was. I walked by her quickly and looked back to see her pointing in our direction while talking to her co-worker. I don't read lips, but I'm sure she said something about "there goes THAT family"... Why didn't I go in the other door?

We made it home just minutes before my big sis and niece got here to help us. I don't think we could have made it without them. We were not looking forward to dragging Syd to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. if we didn't have to. Teresa, my sister, is great with the kiddos. She has already raised her three and I am so glad, 'cause that way she can help me with mine.

I have great respect for that woman, not only is she a barrel of ENTERTAINMENT for the kids, but I once saw her bring my 6 foot 5 inch tall nephew to his knees with just two fingers. She's tiny. I got all the big genes, and big jeans, you know what I'm sayin. We were in the mall shopping when my nephew regretfully said something, umm, er, regretful. She shot him a look that said 'the only reason you're still conscience is because I can't carry you,' and then she reached her little hand up and grabbed his ear, down he came. I try not to make her mad if I can keep from it.

That brings us up to date. Mostly, anyway.

Elly is ready for her Momma to come hold her and watch Tom and Jerry, so off I go. Talk later.

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